Related topics: stars

NASA kicked asteroid off course in test to save Earth

NASA on Tuesday celebrated exceeding expectations during a mission to deflect a distant asteroid, in a sci-fi like test of humanity's ability to stop an incoming cosmic object from devastating life on Earth.

New binary pulsar detected with CHIME

Using the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME), astronomers have detected a new radio pulsar in a binary system with a massive non-degenerate companion star. The discovery of the pulsar, which received designation ...

An extrasolar world covered in water?

An international team of researchers led by Charles Cadieux, a Ph.D. student at the Université de Montréal and member of the Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx), has announced the discovery of TOI-1452 b, an exoplanet ...

Quantum computer works with more than zero and one

We all learn from early on that computers work with zeros and ones, also known as binary information. This approach has been so successful that computers now power everything from coffee machines to self-driving cars and ...

A new method to detect exoplanets

In recent years, a large number of exoplanets have been found around single "normal" stars. New research shows that there may be exceptions to this trend. Researchers from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL), ...

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