Indian astronomers detect companion star to V1787 Ori

Astronomers from India have reported the finding of a companion star to an intermediate-mass Herbig Ae star known as V1787 Ori. The newly detected object turns out to be of M-type and is about 60% less massive than our sun. ...

New eclipsing binary system detected by Kepler spacecraft

An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new eclipsing binary system using NASA's Kepler spacecraft during its prolonged mission known as K2. The system, designated EPIC 216747137, appears to be a post-common-envelope ...

New cataclysmic variable star discovered

Using NASA's Kepler spacecraft, astronomers have detected a new bright transient event. After further analysis, the newly found transient source turned out to be a cataclysmic variable (CV) star. The finding is detailed in ...

CTCV J2056-3014 is an unusual polar, study finds

Astronomers have investigated a nearby cataclysmic variable system known as CTCV J2056-3014 using ESA's XMM-Newton satellite. Results of the study, presented in a paper published July 28 on the arXiv pre-print repository, ...

PTF1J2224+17 is a polar, new study confirms

German astronomers have conducted photometric observations of a cataclysmic variable (CV) star known as PTF1J2224+17. Results of the observational campaign confirm that this object is a polar, as suggested by previous studies. ...

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