Astronomers investigate intermediate polar TX Columbae

Using various spacecraft, astronomers from India and Chile have performed X-ray observations of a peculiar intermediate polar known as TX Columbae. Results of the observational campaign, published September 7 on the pre-print ...

Supramolecules spin promises for future

(—Microscopic particles that can be made to switch their magnetic state could mean computers of the future will be able to store much more data in much less space. 

Random wrinkles for opto-physical unclonable functions

The convergence of digital technology and the internet has led to the emergence of complex digital networks utilizing ubiquitous electronic devices such as mobile phones and smart home appliances. As a result, we can access ...

Extending nucleic acid memory (NAM)

Humanity is creating huge amounts of data every day, billions of emails and social media updates, new websites, documents, images, and scientific and commercial big data amounting to petabytes of storage needs and beyond. ...

Kepler Telescope star data creates musical melody

Why stop at the dark side of the moon to make music when you can look thousands of light years into space? That's what a team of Georgia Tech researchers have done, using data from two stars in our galaxy to create sounds ...

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