How to encourage big ideas

( -- A new study suggests certain types of funding -- which provide more freedom and focus less on near-term results -- lead to more innovative and influential research.

Taiwan plans massive growth in solar energy

Taiwan plans to boost its use of solar panels by a factor of 200 over the next decade and a half in an effort to increase clean energy, a ranking official said Friday.

NASA watches as Hurricane Bill sweeps over Bermuda

Hurricane Bill was raining on Bermuda on Friday, August 21, 2009, and NASA satellites were providing forecasters with information about Bill's rainfall, clouds and winds.

Google, Microsoft chairmen share laugh together

(AP) -- The escalating tension between Google and Microsoft didn't prevent the companies' chairmen from sharing a moment of levity Thursday at an exclusive media conference in the Idaho mountains.

Famed TED talks available in multiple languages

The organizers of the famed annual TED conferences on Wednesday began making the thought-provoking lectures by giants of technology, science and the arts available in dozens of languages.

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