Microsoft's Gates reclaims title as world's richest

The surging price of Microsoft shares returned US tech tycoon Bill Gates back to the top of Forbes's world's billionaires list, with his $76 billion beating out Mexico's Carlos Slim's $72 billion.

Nissan Leafs can now power the office, as well as the home

Nissan has carried out a successful early field test of a system that will allow companies to regulate their electricity bills using the batteries of Nissan LEAFs used by their staff to commute to work. "Vehicle-To-Building" ...

Straw cuts energy bills by 90%

While the UK is consumed by arguments about the cost of energy, fuel poverty and market failure, some have managed to sidestep these issues altogether.

Novell loses appeal on case against Microsoft

A federal appeals court is throwing out Novell Inc.'s complaint that Microsoft Corp. undermined the WordPerfect writing program in favor of Microsoft's own Word program with the Windows 95 rollout.

Repackaging solar for the mass market

The mass market appeal of solar power could get a boost from design and packaging concepts being developed at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

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