Mobile money on the rise in Africa as millions get phones

Ivan Kiryowa repeatedly checked the balance on his phone, nervous sweat on his cheeks, as he waited for money from a friend. Thirty minutes later, $150 had landed in his account and he sauntered into a hardware store, where ...

Your TV may use more energy than you think, group charges

An environmental group accused three major television manufacturers Wednesday of misleading consumers and regulators about how much energy their high-definition screens devour by designing them to draw less power during government ...

US House passes email privacy bill

US lawmakers Wednesday approved a bill to boost privacy protection for email and other electronic communication, closing key loopholes in digital data protection.

UK surveillance law overhaul sparks privacy row

Britain's security services and police would have their right to trawl in bulk for online data boosted under a proposed new law to recast surveillance powers published Tuesday.

House backs bill to boost hunting, fishing on public lands

The House on Friday approved a bill to expand access to hunting and fishing areas on public lands, extend protections for the use of lead bullets in hunting and strip wolves of federal protections in four states.

Congress passes long-stalled cybersecurity bill

Congress on Friday passed legislation to fight cyber threats, pushing the measure through by tucking it into a sprawling government funding bill, after earlier failed attempts.

Long-stalled cybersecurity bill poised for US approval

Legislation designed to fight cyber threats appeared poised for congressional passage following several failed attempts, with the White House on track to prevail despite objections from privacy activists.

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