UK pandemic hammered minorities, self-employed: study

Ethnic minorities, the self-employed and low-income families in Britain suffered greater deprivation levels during the coronavirus pandemic despite "surprisingly positive" living standards figures, a report published on Thursday ...

Outcry over Brazil bill relaxing environmental rules

Environmentalists accused Brazilian lawmakers Thursday of further threatening the country's disappearing rainforests after the lower house passed a bill relaxing environmental regulations for the agriculture and energy sectors.

Officials: A dam in Oregon could fail in a large earthquake

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has determined that a large earthquake—which is expected to occur again in the Pacific Northwest sooner or later—could cause the spillway gates of a dam in Oregon to buckle, resulting ...

A bipartisan push could change state wildlife protection

Scientists say the world is on the precipice of a mass extinction. The United Nations estimates that 1 million species are on the verge of being wiped out, threatened by climate change, habitat loss, pollution, invasive species ...

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