Video: Gates, Zuckerberg urge kids to code (Update)

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter creator Jack Dorsey are among the tech luminaries appearing in a new video promoting the teaching and learning of computer coding in schools.

India tech tycoon donates $2.3 bn to charity

Indian software tycoon Azim Premji said Saturday he has given $2.3 billion to an education charity that he controls, reportedly the biggest charitable donation in the country's recent history.

World's richest men aid 'Green Revolution' center

(AP)—The research center largely responsible for launching the "green revolution" of the 1960s that dramatically raised crop yields is getting support from the world's richest men to develop genetically-modified seeds to ...

US lawmakers propose password privacy bill

A group of US lawmakers on Wednesday proposed a bill that would make it illegal for employers or schools to require the disclosure of passwords for social networks such as Facebook.

Supermarkets: Energy-optimized

Running a supermarket requires a lot of electricity. Long rows of refrigerators have to be kept cool and large areas have to be lit. A new concept enables supermarket operators to cut their energy use by around 25 percent.

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