Related topics: lawmakers

Liquid battery could charge green energy

Engineering professor Donald Sadoway on Thursday used an old-school chalk board at the prestigious TED gathering to write the formula for a liquid battery that could one day cut the need for new power plants.

There's money to be saved in solar

A series of solar panels on the roof converts the sun's rays to electricity, the electricity then flows through cables to the circuit breaker, where it's consumed in the building. The result -- a reduction in energy costs.

Review: A solar home isn't for everyone

As someone who considers himself an environmentalist, I'd love to get a solar array for my home. But I'm finding that it may not make a lot of sense - at least right now. My wife and I drive fairly fuel-efficient cars. Our ...

Cheaper Solar Power's Time Has Come

( -- Solar power manufacturers in the US are cutting prices to shift their stock, the government is chipping in with tax credits, and innovative leasing or financing arrangements spreading payments over up to ...

Google gets driverless car law passed in Nevada

( -- The savvy among you may remember that back in May we told you about Google's attempts to get the Nevada state legislature to consider allowing users to driver UGV, or unmanned ground vehicles, that are more ...

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