New traffic rules in 'Graphene City'

In the drive to find new ways to extend electronics beyond the use of silicon, physicists are experimenting with other properties of electrons, beyond charge. In work published today (Dec 7) in the journal Science, a team ...

Researchers observe exotic quantum particle in bilayer graphene

October 5, 2017—A team led by Cory Dean, assistant professor of physics at Columbia University, and James Hone, Wang Fong-Jen Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Columbia Engineering, has definitively observed an intensely ...

Scientists sort through bilayer graphene

An international team of scientists has organized the available bibliographic data on bilayer graphene, a high-potential material with possible applications in electronics and optics. The review paper was published in Physics ...

Interactions in designer materials unveiled

The fascinating properties of graphene—a single layer of carbon atoms—have been widely celebrated. Not only does graphene exhibit remarkable physics, it also shows great promise for new applications, like flexible display ...

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