Production starts on sustainable bamboo bikes in ghana

The Bamboo Bike Project (BBP) and the Millennium Cities Initiative (MCI) at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, along with Ghana-based Bamboo Bikes Limited (BBL) have launched a two week long bamboo bike training program ...

Cycling is all about 'me time'and a return to childhood

( -- A ground breaking study into the image of cycling in Britain by a research team from the University of the West of England has revealed that people who regularly make small trips by bike are primarily motivated ...

Guests pedal to stay at Copenhagen eco-hotel

In the lobby of an up-market hotel in a Copenhagen suburb, a suit-clad businessman pedals away on a stationary bike, periodically glancing at the counter to see how far he has gone and how much energy he has produced.

Riding a bike couldn't be ... more complicated

We are told there's nothing easier than riding a bike. The reality is when it comes to staying upright, there is nothing more complicated. The mathematical formula which explains the motion of a bicycle looks like it could ...

Mexico City offers bikes in its clean air campaign

(AP) -- Pedaling placidly, black-suited businessmen and women in dresses and high heels wheel shiny red bikes between growling green buses, serenaded by shrill police whistles and coughing diesel trucks, the morning sunlight ...

Electric bikes on a roll in China

Chinese commuters in their millions are turning to electric bicycles -- hailed as the environmentally-friendly future of personal transport in the country's teeming cities.

Biking 2.0: MIT's big wheel in Copenhagen (w/ Video)

Yesterday, Dec. 15, at the Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change, MIT researchers debuted the Copenhagen Wheel -- a revolutionary new bicycle wheel that not only boosts power, but can keep track of friends, fitness, smog ...

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