How will the biggest tropical trees respond to climate change?

Giant trees in tropical forests, witnesses to centuries of civilization, may be trapped in a dangerous feedback loop according to a new report in Nature Plants from researchers at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute ...

Future grim for 'biggest and most magnificent' trees

Across the world, big old trees face a dire future globally from agriculture, logging, habitat fragmentation, exotic invaders, and the effects of climate change, warn leading scientists in an article published this week in ...

Upon further review, giant sequoia tops a neighbor

Deep in the Sierra Nevada, the famous General Grant giant sequoia tree is suffering its loss of stature in silence. What once was the world's No. 2 biggest tree has been supplanted thanks to the most comprehensive measurements ...

How does the Amazon rain forest cope with drought?

The Amazon rain forest isn't necessarily a place that many would associate with a drought, yet prolonged dry spells are projected to become more prevalent and severe because of climate change. The question at hand is how ...

Big trees face 'dire future'

Already on the decline worldwide, big trees face a dire future according to James Cook University’s Distinguished Professor William Laurance.

Researchers dish up digital avocado

It's an ancient fruit, but the avocado has been brought into the new millennium with the publication of its draft genome, which may be the key to improvements in future crops.

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