China demand threatens tiger protection

Soaring demand for tiger parts in China has emptied Asia's forests, frustrating efforts to protect the big cats, wildlife experts said as an anti-poaching conference opened in Kathmandu Monday.

Kenya's 'Maasai Olympics' fights dwindling lion numbers

Leaping high into the air and hurling spears instead of javelins, traditional lion hunters in Kenya tested their skills Saturday in a special "Maasai Olympics" organised to save the endangered animals.

Putin's rare Russian tiger 'emigrates to China'

An endangered Siberian tiger released into the wild by Vladimir Putin has become Russia's latest export to China, after the beast wandered over the border in search of a meal, Chinese state-run media said Thursday.

Zambia lifts ban on safari hunting

Zambia has lifted a 20-month ban on safari hunting because it has lost too much revenue, but lions and leopards will remain protected, the government said Wednesday.

Rescuing backyard tigers

Significantly more tigers are in U.S captivity than are left in the wild. In fact, as many as 10,000 tigers, lions and other endangered big cats are privately owned in the United States, according to the International Fund ...

India tiger kills four people in 12 days

A wild tiger is believed to have killed four villagers in northern India in 12 days, prompting searches for the big cat and protests from villagers, an official said Thursday.

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