Related topics: psychological science

Study reveals inequity in journal peer review

Scientists' careers are defined by their contributions to the peer-reviewed literature. Yet, a study just out in Nature Ecology & Evolution by Michigan State University researchers reveals that peer review disadvantages some ...

Racial stereotypes vary in digital interactions

Racial stereotypes were upended during a recent study that involved artificial intelligence. New research from the University of Georgia found that Black bots were considered more competent and more human than white or Asian ...

Research links negativity bias, investment apprehension

What do your worries about public health have to do with your financial well-being? Maybe a lot more than you realize, according to new research from Colorado State University's College of Business.

Neuroscientist investigates social cognition in biased juries

Bias in juries pose a serious challenge for judges and attorneys to conduct fair, equal and impartial trials. A recent paper published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience considers the overlap between social cognitive ...

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