Study investigates why students seek international experience

Why do students want to go abroad for a semester or take part in international conferences? A new study by the University of Würzburg has investigated this question and the results offer recommendations for an internationalization ...

How poliovirus takes over cells from within

For the first time, researchers at Umeå University, Sweden, can now show how the dreaded poliovirus behaves when it takes over an infected cell and tricks the cell into producing new virus particles. Polio was thought to ...

New dates for the start of Viking-age trade

Mobility shaped the human world profoundly long before the modern age. But archaeologists often struggle to create a timeline for the speed and impact of this mobility. An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the Danish ...

Job connectivity improves resiliency in US cities, study finds

What makes urban labor markets more resilient? This is the question at the heart of a new study published in Nature Communications by members of MIT's Connection Science Group. The researchers in this study, including MIT ...

Sweden's light-touch pandemic strategy increases inequalities

The Swedish corona strategy means that some sections of society are unequally affected by the pandemic. A shutdown or possibly tougher restrictions could have provided better opportunities for different occupational groups, ...

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