First contact could turn out well for humanity

You've heard this story before. An advanced alien race comes to Earth. They offer peace and prosperity, but they hold a dark secret. One that could destroy humanity. That dark secret has varied over the years, from stealing ...

How Canada can make its startup ecosystem more inclusive

The global pandemic caused devastating economic impacts, including high levels of unemployment. As with the 2008 recession, self-employment has been encouraged as a pathway towards economic participation and boosting the ...

New quasi-particle bridges microwave and optical domains

In a paper published today (Sept. 18) in Nature Communications, researchers from the Paul-Drude-Institut in Berlin, Germany, and the Instituto Balseiro in Bariloche, Argentina, demonstrated that the mixing of confined quantum ...

How Canada can make better progress on disability inclusion

According to the World Health Organization, around 16 percent of the world's population, just over one billion people, are living with a disability. In Canada, research shows that up to 30 percent of Canadians are living ...

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