Adding fungi to rosemary makes it more tasty

Research from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), Vitacress Herbs and Royal Holloway has shown that the addition of mycorrhizal fungi to soil leads to increased production of essential oils in rosemary, making the plants ...

Partial mycoheterotrophs: The green plants that feed on fungi

You probably learned this basic lesson of biology in elementary school: Plants are self-feeders. These so-called autotrophs use the sun's energy and water to turn carbon dioxide from the air into food through the process ...

How wheat can root out the take-all fungus

In the soils of the world's cereal fields, a family tussle between related species of fungi is underway for control of the crops' roots, with food security threatened if the wrong side wins. Beneficial fungi can help plants ...

Ecologists compile huge soil fungi database

Forest ecologist Justine Karst is a co-author of a significant new resource—the world's largest database of research analyzing how mycorrhizal fungi affect plant productivity.

Fungi may lead to cheaper cancer treatment

Cheaper anti-cancer drugs for humans might ultimately stem from a new study by University of Guelph scientists into a kind of microbial "bandage" that protects yew trees from disease-causing fungi.

Fungi—key to tree survival in warming forest

Much like healthy bacteria in one's gut supports health of the human body, fungus in soil can be integral to survival of trees. NAU researcher Catherine Gehring reached this conclusion while studying pinyon-juniper woodlands ...

Bacteria enhance growth of fruit trees up to 40 percent

Improvement in reforestation and agriculture is possible thanks to the work of scientists in the Center of Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav) who use different strains of fungi and bacteria to promote development and ...

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