ARIEL mission to reveal 'Brave New Worlds' among exoplanets

An ambitious European mission is being planned to answer fundamental questions about how planetary systems form and evolve. ARIEL will investigate the atmospheres of several hundred planets orbiting distant stars. It is one ...

Belgium extends lives of ageing nuclear reactors

Belgium agreed to extend the life of two ageing nuclear reactors for another decade under a hard-won deal to preserve jobs and invest in the transition to cleaner energy.

Hackers launch new attack on Belgian media group

Hackers launched a new attack Monday against the Belgian media group Rossel, targeting the websites of newspapers in Belgium and France, its managing director told AFP.

Google: Belgian papers to appear in searches again

(AP) -- Google began allowing the Web sites of French-language Belgian newspapers to appear in its search results again on Monday, saying it had obtained the papers' legal consent to do so without repercussions.

Belgium plans collection of plane, train, ferry users' data

Belgium on Monday unveiled plans for a controversial system to collect data on all airline passengers, as well as international train and ferry travellers, in the wake of a foiled attack on a train running between Belgium ...

Human trafficking, an invisible problem

Human trafficking is a problem about which little is known in Spain, due to both the lack of reliable figures as well as the poor coordination among international police forces and the social permissiveness with regard to ...

Two Uber bosses taken into custody in France: company

Two top Uber bosses were taken into custody in France Monday as part of a probe into their ride-booking app which has sparked violent protests from regular taxi drivers, the company said.

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