What makes flies attack?

Pity the poor female fruit fly. Being a looker is simply not enough, it seems. If you're to get a date, much less a proposal, you must also smell and act like a girl. Otherwise, you might just have a fight on your hands. ...

Cane toad pioneers speed up invasions

(Phys.org) —Climate change is one of a number of stressors that cause species to disperse to new locations. Scientists must be able to predict dispersal rates accurately, as the movement of a new species into an area can ...

You are what you click

It's no secret that the things we click on, scroll across, swipe, tap or drag when we're browsing online or using a smartphone application can yield valuable information about us. Such data is a veritable goldmine to web ...

Members of small monkey groups more likely to fight

Small monkey groups may win territorial disputes against larger groups because some members of the larger, invading groups avoid aggressive encounters. In a new report published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, ...

Startling thermal energy behavior revealed by neutron scattering

(PhysOrg.com) -- A discovery by researchers working at the Spallation Neutron Source upends long held assumptions about the microscopic behavior of materials in an equilibrium condition. The findings could influence further ...

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