You are what you click

It's no secret that the things we click on, scroll across, swipe, tap or drag when we're browsing online or using a smartphone application can yield valuable information about us. Such data is a veritable goldmine to web ...

Selection of a desired dynamical behavior

Multi-stability, or coexistence of multiple behaviors, is a universal phenomenon found in almost all areas of science in nature, from lasers and chemical reactions to climate or the brain. The phenomenon of multi-stability ...

How much effect does a microhabitat change truly have?

To understand the behavioral patterns of all organisms co-existing together, we must examine our ecosystems, habitats, and even microhabitats. Even variation in climate change or human influence at small scales can ultimately ...

NASA image: Wildfires persist in California

Several fires are currently raging in central and northern California. These fires can be seen in this natural-color Terra satellite image taken by the MODIS instrument on August 18, 2013.

Extreme wildfires likely fueled by climate change

Climate change is likely fueling the larger and more destructive wildfires that are scorching vast areas of the American West, according to new research led by Michigan State University scientists.

Cane toad pioneers speed up invasions

( —Climate change is one of a number of stressors that cause species to disperse to new locations. Scientists must be able to predict dispersal rates accurately, as the movement of a new species into an area can ...

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