How inflation is influencing the way we think and behave

Driven largely by soaring gas prices, inflation reached levels not seen in decades over the last year, according to new Consumer Price Index data. Prices at the pump helped accelerate inflation to 8.6% for the 12 months ending ...

Uncertainty colors pandemic workplace decisions

Each day we confront risks at home, at work and in society, but the COVID-19 pandemic, including the rise of new variants, has changed our relationship with risk. As workers and employers determine health measures and back-to-the-office ...

Nudging out the coronavirus with behavioral economics

Human behavior is key in any pandemic. So how can a little nudge in the right direction change our behavior for the better? Researcher Nurit Nobel explains the science behind encouraging good behaviors—and how it can help ...

Researcher discusses the the science replication crisis

If there's a central tenet that unites all of the sciences, it's probably that scientists should approach discovery without bias and with a healthy dose of skepticism. The idea is that the best way to reach the truth is to ...

Workplace absence study proves we're not as selfish as we think

Research carried out by economists at the University of Aberdeen and the University of Bath has revealed that workers are significantly less likely to call in sick if they know their absence will cause difficulties for colleagues.

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