Women are less blinded by attractiveness than men

Many studies in psychology have shown that people judge how trustworthy a person is on the basis of their first impression of the other person's facial features. Whether there actually are differences between men and women ...

Bat study reveals secrets of the social brain

Whether chatting with friends at a dinner party or managing a high-stakes meeting at work, communicating with others in a group requires a complex set of mental tasks. Our brains must track who is speaking and what is being ...

How social norms influence consumer behavior

Researchers from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, HEC Montréal, and University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that performs a meta-analysis of extant research on social ...

Study finds gender differences in active learning classrooms

Men participated more in an active learning course in science, technology, engineering and math, while women reported lower perceptions of their scientific abilities, were more aware of gender identity and more likely to ...

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