Asian Long-Horned Beetle eradicated from Canada

Canada has eradicated the destructive Asian Long-Horned Beetle first detected in the Toronto area a decade ago after hitching a ride across the Pacific in wood packaging materials.

Tiny UK parasitoid wasp discovered

( -- A new species of parasitoid wasp that feeds on a common whitefly pest has been discovered in the UK by a Natural History Museum scientist.

Miscanthus, a biofuels crop, can host western corn rootworm

The western corn rootworm beetle, a pest that feasts on corn roots and corn silk and costs growers more than $1 billion annually in the U.S., also can survive on the perennial grass Miscanthus x giganteus, a potential biofuels ...

From farm to table, mealworms may be the next best food

Food enthusiasts interested in sustainable farm practices may soon have a new meat alternative: insects. Beetle larvae (called mealworms) farms produce more edible protein than traditional farms for chicken, pork, beef or ...

Plants' chemical messages keep pests moving

When leaf beetle larvae eat goldenrod, the damaged plant emits a chemical message, which informs the insect that the plant is damaged and is a poor source of food. The airborne chemicals are also noticed by undamaged neighboring ...

Protection sought for rare woodpecker

(AP) -- Smokey Bear has done such a good job stomping out forest fires the past half-century that a woodpecker that's survived for millions of years by eating beetle larvae in burned trees is in danger of going extinct in ...

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