Ensuring healthy bees for farms and trees

The University of Adelaide and State Government today announced a $600,000 pilot program to help build South Australia's bee populations to help protect native plants and production from orchards and crops that rely on bee ...

Mitochondrial metagenomics: How '-omics' is saving wild bees

Mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) database demonstrated its great value on detecting wild bees in UK farms via mitochondrial metagenomics pipeline, a new approach developed by scientists from the China National Genebank (CNGB), ...

Bumble bees in the last frontier

There is little information about bee populations in Alaska, where native bee pollination is critical to the maintenance of subarctic ecosystems. A team from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the USDA have now completed ...

Can stress management help save honeybees?

Honeybee populations are clearly under stress—from the parasitic Varroa mite, insecticides, and a host of other factors—but it's been difficult to pinpoint any one of them as the root cause of devastating and unprecedented ...

Entrepreneurs create effective method against bee harming pest

A group of entrepreneurs in Veracruz have designed a "smart" system to contain larvae growth of the mite Varroa destructor among the bee population, which reduces the production of honey by as much as 50 percent when it invades ...

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