Breeding a better bee

The population of honeybees remains endangered, threatening the world's food supply, and scientists have decided that the best way to save the insects may be to breed a better bee.

Solving the mystery of the vanishing bees

( -- As scientists continue to be baffled over the recent decline in bee populations around the world, a new model developed by Dr Andrew Barron at Macquarie University in collaboration with David Khoury and Dr ...

US bee expert awarded Tyler Environment Prize

A leading US entomologist won the prestigious Tyler Prize for her groundbreaking work on the collapse of bee populations and coevolution of plants and insects, officials said Tuesday.

Building a base for honeybees

On a recent muggy morning, Tammy Horn used a smoker to puff aromatic drafts into wooden beehives beneath a locust tree, then carefully removed the top of a hive.

Wild bees can be effective pollinators

Over the past few years, honey bee keepers have experienced problems due to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), which has hurt honey bee populations, causing some growers of fruits, nuts and vegetables to wonder how their crops ...

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