Pollinators can drive evolution of flower traits: study

(PhysOrg.com) -- Pretty flowers aren't produced so we can show them off in vases -- they serve the purpose of attracting such pollinators as bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, which enable them to produce seeds for the next ...

Study sheds light on microscopic flower petal ridges

(PhysOrg.com) -- Microscopic ridges contouring the surface of flower petals might play a role in flashing that come-hither look pollinating insects can't resist. Michigan State University scientists and colleagues now have ...

Heavy metal pollution causes severe declines in wild bees

Wild bees are important pollinators and numerous studies dealing with pollination of wild plants and crops underline their vital role in ecosystems functioning. While honey bees can be easily transported to various location ...

Bees get a buzz from caffeine

Scientists have today shown that caffeine improves a honeybee's memory and could help the plant recruit more bees to spread its pollen.

Benefit of bees even bigger than thought

Bees have a much greater economic value than is widely known, according to a scientific probe into strawberry-growing published on Wednesday.

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