Related topics: bees

Overuse of antibiotics brings risks for bees—and for us

Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin have found that honeybees treated with a common antibiotic were half as likely to survive the week after treatment compared with a group of untreated bees, a finding that ...

Untapped potential for Ugandan beekeepers

Despite the large economic potential for honey production, many beekeepers in Uganda fail to produce and market enough honey to make a living from it.

Beleaguered bees hit by 'deformed wing virus'

A wing-deforming virus shortens the lifespan of wild honeybees already contending with a startlingly long list of existential threats, researchers said Wednesday.

Opinion: How do we protect our native bee species?

Bees are among the most charismatic and familiar animals of the insect world, and thoughts of a summer's day picnic would not be complete without the recollection of the hum of bees or the sight of a belaboured individual ...

Honey bee teenagers speed up the ageing process of their elders

In honey bee colonies, a single queen is laying eggs from which thousands of worker bees are born. At a young age, workers care for the brood, then build and defend the nest and eventually, towards the end of their lives, ...

Concern over parasites affecting honey bees

Scientists from The University of Western Australia's Centre for Integrative Bee Research (CIBER) tagged 200 honey bee workers to find out how a highly-contagious fungal parasite (Nosema apis) impacts their ability to pollinate ...

Why Brexit could be bad news for bees

Brexit could have serious consequences for bees and bee scientists, Norman Carreck, Science Director of the International Bee Research Association (IBRA) warns in an editorial in Bee World.

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