Bed bugs, bad service begone, thanks to online reviews

Bed bugs, bad service and terrible food used to be inevitable risks when traveling, but a host of online review sites such as Yelp and TripAdvisor are helping savvy consumers pick the best hotels and eat like locals.

War on bugs: New research could lead to better bed bug control

As if trapped in a never-ending B movie about evil invaders, Cincinnatians have been tormented by a six-legged scourge for years. To the chagrin of many throughout the Queen City, this monster isn't an actor in a rubber alien ...

New technology decodes chemical messages sent by bed bugs

Bed bugs exchange specific chemical signals corresponding to particular behaviors, and researchers have now combined two unusual technologies to sniff out these signals in a matter of seconds. The results are published December ...

Natural fungus may provide effective bed bug control

"And don't let the bed bugs bite" is no longer a harmless adage. In reality today, these bloodthirsty bugs infest thousands of homes. According to a team of Penn State entomologists, biopesticides—naturally occurring microorganisms—might ...

Repulsive smell could combat bed bugs

In recent years, bed bug infestations have become increasingly common in Swedish homes. There are two different species of bed bug that suck blood from humans – the common bed bug and the tropical bed bug. Increased ...

Anti-aphrodisiac protects young bedbugs

Male bedbugs are known to be very unfussy when it comes to mating, mounting any well-fed bug they can see - regardless of age or gender. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Biology have discovered how immature ...

Bringing bugs to the classroom makes everyone smarter

Through a curriculum appropriately titled, "Bed Bugs and Book Bags," students worldwide are learning how to identify bed bugs, where they hide out and much more. The program teaches how to prevent the insects, and a new University ...

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