Stranded dolphins exhibit bubbles, and ability to recover

Scientists know that the blood and tissues of some deceased beaked whales stranded near naval sonar exercises are riddled with bubbles. It is also well know that human divers can suffer from bubbles-induced decompression ...

Is ocean garbage killing whales?

Millions of tonnes of plastic debris dumped each year in the world's oceans could pose a lethal threat to whales, according to a scientific assessment to be presented at a key international whaling forum this week.

Three new amphibian treasures found on search for 'lost' frogs

A team of scientists on a quest to rediscover several "lost" amphibians in western Colombia has returned with a surprising result: three species of frogs believed to be entirely new to science, Conservation International ...

Scientists: Beak deformities increase in Northwest

(AP) -- Scientists have observed the highest rate of beak abnormalities ever recorded in wild bird populations in Alaska and the Northwest, a study by two federal scientists said.

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