Revealing how a battery material works

Since its discovery 15 years ago, lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) has become one of the most promising materials for rechargeable batteries because of its stability, durability, safety and ability to deliver a lot of power ...

'Boozer' EV sets 1,000 miles-plus record on single charge

( -- An experimental electric vehicle called "Schluckspecht" ("boozer," or "tippler" in German) has set the record for achieving the longest drive in a battery-powered vehicle on a single battery charge. Its record-breaking ...

Electric cars get charged wirelessly in London (w/ Video)

( -- HaloIPT has recently demonstrated wireless charging of electric vehicles in London using their inductive power transfer technology. The company fitted Citroen electric cars with receiver pads on the underside ...

Lithium market could bloom as tide goes out on oil

Lithium is not much to look at. It's a soft and light, silver-white metal known for its use in mood stabilising drugs. But the 25th most abundant element on earth could, one day, help cure the world of its addiction to oil ...

Buzz builds around electric cars as Nissan plans debut

As the Gulf of Mexico disaster casts an ugly spotlight on the pitfalls of global oil dependency, Japan's auto giants are moving into high gear in a drive to mass-market electric cars.

Electric cars rolling out

( -- Electric vehicles are far from new, but we are still a long way from electric cars being the norm. Now two new electric cars may bring that goal a step closer.

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