Study recommends six steps to improve our water quality

Nitrogen fertilizers are critical for growing crops to feed the world, yet when applied in excess can pollute our water for decades. A new study provides six steps to address nitrogen pollution and improve water quality.

Understanding rare rain events in the driest desert on Earth

In the enduring dryness of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile where the average rainfall is as low as 5 millimeters per year, rare rain events can come swiftly and intensely. They shape the landscape and provide precious ...

The perspective from space unlocks the Amazon water cycle

The Amazon basin is the world's largest river basin, with intricate and complex hydrology. It stretches across seven nations and feeds 4 of the 10 largest rivers in the world. The basin encompasses dense tropical forests, ...

When is a 'basin of attraction' like an octopus?

Mathematicians who study dynamical systems often focus on the rules of attraction. Namely, how does the choice of the starting point affect where a system ends up? Some systems are easier to describe than others. A swinging ...

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