Digital Baseball: Baseball stats go to the next level

Baseball fans who revel in the statistics surrounding the game, such as batting averages or the clocked speeds of curve balls, have gotten a windfall of data in the past few years thanks to multi-camera filming of games and ...

Physicist writes a better formula to predict baseball success

( -- Kerry Whisnant, Iowa State University physicist, studies the mysteries of the neutrino, the elementary particle that usually passes right through ordinary matter such as baseballs and home-run sluggers.

Engineering students score a slam dunk (Video)

( -- When a 240-pound forward slam dunks a basketball, some fans probably wonder how much force is being generated into the goal. Students at Clemson University now can answer that question with a new creation: ...

How do curve balls, cutters, sinkers and sweepers work?

It's a cliché that "baseball is a game of inches," but for hitters and pitchers, it's more a game of millimeters. If the bat hits the ball a fraction of an inch too low or too high, the result is a popup or weak ground ball ...

Researchers explains how streaks motivate us

Friends out for a drink have hatched many a bright idea, but these insights (or what feel like insights at the time) don't usually end up published in academic journals. For researchers Jackie Silverman and Alixandra Barasch, ...

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