Neutron stars could be heating up from dark matter annihilation

One of the big mysteries about dark matter particles is whether they interact with each other. We still don't know the exact nature of what dark matter is. Some models argue that dark matter only interacts gravitationally, ...

Will wide binaries be the end of MOND?

It's a fact that many of us have churned out during public engagement events that at least 50% of all stars are part of binary star systems. Some of them are simply stunning to look at; others present headaches with complex ...

Why are dark matter halos of ultra-diffuse galaxies so odd?

A study co-led by physicists at UC Riverside and UC Irvine has found that dark matter halos of ultra-diffuse galaxies are very odd, raising questions about physicists' understanding of galaxy formation and the structure of ...

Jupiter missions could also help search for dark matter

In a recent study published in the Journal of High Energy Physics, two researchers from Brown University demonstrated how data from past missions to Jupiter can help scientists examine dark matter, one of the most mysterious ...

Algorithm simulates the intergalactic medium of the universe

The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) led the development of a new numerical procedure to reproduce the intergalactic medium obtained from a cosmological simulation of 100,000 hours of computation using big data ...

New light on baryonic matter and gravity on cosmic scales

Scientists estimate that dark matter and dark energy together are some 95% of the gravitational material in the universe while the remaining 5% is baryonic matter, which is the "normal" matter composing stars, planets and ...

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