Are corals genetically equipped to survive climate change?

In 1998, ocean temperatures soared, and the world experienced its first significant coral bleaching event. From the Great Barrier Reef to Indonesia to Central America, corals turned white and ghostly. Many of them died. And ...

Extinctions linked to new assemblages of species

Scientists have found that as the world undergoes profound environmental change, identifying and protecting 'novel' communities of species can help prevent extinctions within vulnerable ecosystems.

Ocean acidification causing coral 'osteoporosis' on iconic reefs

Scientists have long suspected that ocean acidification is affecting corals' ability to build their skeletons, but it has been challenging to isolate its effect from that of simultaneous warming ocean temperatures, which ...

Nutrients make coral bleaching worse

A new study shows nutrients can aggravate the already negative effects of climate change on corals to trigger mass coral bleaching.

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