Video shows tool use by a fish

The first video of tool use by a fish has been published in the journal Coral Reefs by Giacomo Bernardi, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Scientists find out what fear looks like from space

( -- While most of us could find no better use for Google Earth than checking out a holiday destination, scientists in Sydney have shown it can reveal a lot about the behaviour of marine life on the Great Barrier ...

Rowdy residents warn crustaceans away from perilous reefs

( -- Coral reefs present a treacherous wall of mouths to flea-sized planktonic crustaceans, but the clamour generated by animals on the reef may act like a foghorn to warn them away from danger.

Marine Pied Piper leads Nemo astray

The growing amount of human noise pollution in the ocean could lead fish away from good habitat and off to their death, according to new research from a UK-led team working on the Great Barrier Reef.

New research eyes off colourful reef fish

( -- Most people wouldn't give a second thought to the inner workings of the fish eye. But research by University of Queensland scientists is unlocking the secrets hidden behind these fishy lenses.

Fish with attitude: Some like it hot

Coral reef fish can undergo a personality change in warmer water, according to an intriguing new study suggesting that climate change may make some species more aggressive.

Reef boom beats doom

( -- Marine scientists say they are astonished at the spectacular recovery of certain coral reefs in Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park from a devastating coral bleaching event in 2006.

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