Seaweed removal helps coral babies thrive

Marine scientists have found removing macroalgae from reefs can help coral larvae settle and has great possibilities as a citizen-science project to help coral reefs survive.

Corals doomed even if global climate goals met: study

Coral reefs that anchor a quarter of marine wildlife and the livelihoods of more than half-a-billion people will most likely be wiped out even if global warming is capped within Paris climate goals, researchers said Tuesday.

Australia pumps cash into Great Barrier Reef protection

Australia unveiled a billion-dollar package to protect the climate-ravaged Great Barrier Reef on Friday, hoping to prevent the vast network of corals from being removed from UNESCO's World Heritage list.

Great Barrier Reef's baby boom holds the key to its protection

The Great Barrier Reef is booming with new life after the world's biggest reproductive event—coral spawning—delivered Southern Cross University's Distinguished Professor Peter Harrison a narrow window to help secure its ...

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