Researchers bring eyewear-free 3D capabilities to small screen

Convertible video displays that offer both 2D and 3D imaging without the need of any eyewear offer greater convenience to users who would otherwise have to keep track of yet another accessory. Such autostereoscopic displays ...

'Mind the gap' between atomically thin materials

When it comes to engineering single-layer atomic structures, "minding the gap" will help researchers create artificial electronic materials one atomic layer at a time, according to a team of materials scientists.  

'Mind the gap' between atomically thin materials

In subway stations around London, the warning to "Mind the Gap" helps commuters keep from stepping into empty space as they leave the train. When it comes to engineering single-layer atomic structures, minding the gap will ...

Meta-learning helps to estimate oceanic barrier layer structure

The oceanic barrier layer is situated between the base of the ocean's density mixed layer and the top of the isothermal layer, with its thickness fluctuations directly influencing the ocean's vertical mixing process. Changes ...

Film coatings made from whey

Convenience foods are growing in popularity, and the food they contain is usually protected by films based on petrochemicals. Now researchers have not only developed a biomaterial from whey protein, they have also come up ...

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