Formation of pores in mitochondrial membrane elucidated

Mitochondria are considered to be the power plants of cells and are essential for human metabolism. Dysfunction in 40% of mitochondrial proteins are associated with human diseases, which is why mitochondria also play an important ...

NASA mini-balloon mission maps migratory magnetic boundary

During the Antarctic summer of 2013-2014, a team of researchers released a series of translucent scientific balloons, one by one. The miniature membranous balloons - part of the Balloon Array for Radiation-belt Relativistic ...

Estimating How Much Oil The Gulf Spill Released

Official government estimates now say that around 27,000 barrels of oil per day have been pouring out of the damaged well in the Gulf of Mexico since the leak began. This estimate comes from the report of the Flow Rate Technical ...

Talk Trump may tap strategic oil reserves raises questions

Reports that President Donald Trump could soon tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in a bid to lower gasoline prices have raised concerns the emergency stockpile is being compromised for political purposes.

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