Obama announces $2.4 bln grant for electric vehicles

President Barack Obama Wednesday unveiled a 2.4-billion-dollar funding boost for the development of new generation electric vehicles and slammed critics of his economic rescue plans.

Obama administration to review NASA program, sources say

In a major turnaround, the Obama administration intends this week to order a review of the spacecraft program that NASA had hoped would one day replace the space shuttle, the Orlando Sentinel has learned.

US to push plan to swap for fuel efficient cars

A key US lawmaker Tuesday announced agreement after White House talks on a plan to offer Americans government cash to trade in "old clunkers" -- ancient, gas guzzling cars -- for fuel efficient models.

S.Korea lifts ban on stem cell research

South Korea on Wednesday conditionally lifted a ban on stem cell research using human eggs, three years after outlawing the practice because a scientist was found to have faked his work.

Obama vows return to US science prominence (Update)

President Barack Obama pledged Monday to return the United States to a "high water mark" of scientific achievement, announcing a goal to commit three percent of GDP to research and development.

Presidential primary 2008 polls: What went wrong

University of Michigan survey experts working with the American Association for Public Opinion Research have identified several reasons polls picked the wrong winners in the 2008 Presidential Primary.

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