Congress sends NSA phone-records bill to president

Congress approved sweeping changes Tuesday to surveillance laws enacted after the Sept. 11 attacks, eliminating the National Security Agency's disputed bulk phone-records collection program and replacing it with a more restrictive ...

NSA phone collection bill clears Senate hurdle

Two days after letting a disputed post-9/11 surveillance program go dark, the Senate sped toward passage Tuesday of legislation to revive but also reshape it. GOP leaders mounted a last-ditch effort to soften some of the ...

Surveillance powers to lapse without Senate action Sunday

A midnight deadline drew near for senators meeting in an extraordinary Sunday session to extend surveillance programs, but a lapse seemed unavoidable and intelligence officials worried about giving terrorists greater freedom ...

Rumor-detection software IDs disputed claims on Twitter

A week after the Boston marathon bombing, hackers sent a bogus tweet from the official Twitter handle of the Associated Press. It read: "Breaking: Two Explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is injured."

Obama to warn rising sea levels could cost US $200 bn

President Barack Obama will on Wednesday warn that a one-foot rise in sea levels could cost the United States as much as $200 billion, in a speech warning of the security risks of climate change.

Appeals court sides with Google in anti-Muslim film case

A federal appeals court panel should not have forced YouTube to take down an anti-Muslim film that sparked violence in the Middle East and death threats to actors, a larger group of judges ruled Monday in a victory for free ...

US House passes bill ending NSA bulk data collection

The US House of Representatives voted Wednesday to end the NSA's dragnet collection of telephone data from millions of Americans, a controversial program revealed in 2013 by former security contractor Edward Snowden.

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