Mobile marketing for the future

Bar code scanner apps turn smart phone cameras into a way for shoppers to receive instant, on-the-go, online price comparisons for any item with a Universal Product Code. Does this mean consumers are moving toward online ...

Let your beer mat do the talking

Forget speed-dating and the classifieds column – now you can leave it to your beer mat to make that all-important first move.

Bar codes get around town and get more useful

(AP) -- It used to be that the only time you'd notice a bar code was at a store, maybe when a cashier scanned your groceries. But lately bar codes are showing up in more places around town - and getting more sophisticated.

Carnegie Mellon's kitchen chemistry makes science palatable

Molecular gastronomy or molecular cuisine, the culinary movement that uses chemistry, is heating up kitchens worldwide. Carnegie Mellon University Chemist Subha Das is bringing the same techniques found in the world's leading ...

Samsung Announces Shark Mobile Phone Series

Samsung Electronics today announced a sleek, tactile new mobile phone, the powerful Samsung Shark range. The first devices in the range, the candy bar Shark (S5350) and slider phones, devices Shark 2 (S5550) and Shark 3 (S3550), ...

Experiment to test killing 1 owl to help another

(AP) -- Scientists want to determine if killing the aggressive barred owl that has invaded old growth forests of the Northwest would help the protected spotted owl.

Unknowlingly consuming endangered tuna

While most of us would never willingly consume a highly endangered species, doing so might be as easy as plucking sushi from a bento box. New genetic detective work from the Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics at the ...

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