US, European officials bring charges in global malware case

Ten people, including five Russian fugitives, have been charged in connection with malicious software attacks that infected tens of thousands of computers worldwide and caused more than $100 million in financial losses, U.S. ...

S-money: Ultra-secure form of virtual money proposed

A new type of money that allows users to make decisions based on information arriving at different locations and times, and that could also protect against attacks from quantum computers, has been proposed by a researcher ...

San Francisco to join list of those banning cashless stores

San Francisco is about to require brick-and-mortar retailers to take cash as payment, joining Philadelphia and New Jersey in banning a growing paperless practice that critics say discriminates against low-income people who ...

Bezos upbeat on Amazon Go physical stores

Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos said Thursday he sees a bright future in the company's cashierless retail stores and that many consumers see the experience as "magical."

Philadelphia says no to totally cashless future

With an increasing number of US businesses no longer accepting cash, Philadelphia—the City of Brotherly Love—is taking a stand to protect the so-called "unbanked" and will force merchants to accept greenbacks.

Joint bank accounts make for happier couples

In a world of dual-income households and relationships formed years into one's career (and accumulation of assets and debts), many couples today choose to keep their finances at least partially separate.

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