Dozens charged in NY in global computer virus scam

(AP) -- Hackers in eastern Europe who used computer viruses to steal usernames and passwords teamed up with foreign students who opened bank accounts in the U.S. to snatch at least $3 million from American bank accounts, ...

India slowly gets to grips with ecommerce

Vipul Modi is a busy high court lawyer in India's financial capital Mumbai. Like many people, he uses the Internet to buy rail and airline tickets as well as pay his utility bills.

Battling Botnets With An Awesome OS

( -- Despite security software, patches and updates, your computer remains threatened by attack and takeover from hackers and cyber-criminals who will turn your PC into their networked robot -- or "bot" -- creating ...

Beware online knights in shining armor, US Army warns

Online scammers are posing as US serviceman posted overseas and promising love and marriage to cheat women out of thousands of dollars, the US Army's Criminal Investigation Command has warned.

Banking on mobile money

( -- Many technologists and entrepreneurs have argued that mobile phones can empower people in the developing world by providing civic and commercial resources where traditional infrastructure is lacking. But ...

Identifying ID theft and fraud

If the wife of FBI boss Robert Mueller has warned him not to use internet banking because of the threat of online fraud, then what hope is there for the average Jo? The results of research published in a forthcoming issue ...

FBI smashes US-Egypt cyber 'phishing' ring

Investigators in the United States and Egypt have smashed a computer "phishing" identity theft scam described as the biggest cyber-crime investigation in US history, officials said Wednesday.

Businesses vulnerable to cyber attacks

Most of us think cyber crooks cast their phishing lines mostly to try to hook everyday consumers. But some businesses across the country have seen hundreds of thousands of dollars vanish from their bank accounts after cyber ...

Nokia seeks gold in mobile payments startup Obopay

(AP) -- Nokia Corp., the world's largest maker of cell phones, is making a large investment in a California-based startup that wants to make the mobile phone the credit card of the developing world.

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