Latvia to extradite computer hacker suspect to US (Update)

Latvia's government on Tuesday approved the extradition of a man accused by the United States of helping create a virus that affected over a million computers worldwide, including many at NASA, and that allowed hackers to ...

2.5 million Californians exposed in data breaches

A state report reveals 2.5 million Californians have had Social Security numbers, credit card and bank accounts and other sensitive information exposed in 131 data breaches since 2010.

Trying to save more? Consolidate your bank accounts, researcher says

( —We all know we should save some money for a rainy day. Of course, that's easier said than done when you really, really want that new iPhone. Or that new designer jacket. Or both. But a University of Kansas researcher ...

Africa, Asia lead 'mobile money' boom

Africa and Asia are leading a global boom in the use of "mobile money" as millions turn to their mobile phones instead of coughing up cash or handing over credit cards.

From brand new laptop to infected by pressing 'on' (Update)

A customer in Shenzhen, China, took a brand new laptop out of its box and booted it up for the first time. But as the screen lit up, the computer began taking on a life of its own. The machine, triggered by a virus hidden ...

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