Toxic substances in banana plants kill root pests

Bananas are a major food staple for about 400 million people in the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America. However, banana yields worldwide are severely threatened by pests.

Panama disease spreads among bananas—again

Panama disease is causing significant damage in banana cultivation in Southeast Asia. Together with a number of partners, scientists from Wageningen UR (University & Research centre) have demonstrated that the disease – ...

Curiosity killed the ape

Recent research has brought to light the illegal practice of using mantraps to catch chimps in Uganda.

Banana genome helps fruit on the slippery slope

French scientists on Wednesday announced they had sequenced the DNA code of the banana, a vital crop whose future is darkened by emerging pests and complicated by its strangely inbred character.

Study: Flambe doesn't seem to enhance flavor

The cooking technique in which a dish with alcohol is set alight at the table may be dramatic, but does it enhance the flavor? It doesn't seem so, according to an undergraduate research project at Cornell.

A virtual crystal ball: Sustainability for Rio+20 and beyond

From new cars to email messages, from bananas to home-grown tomatoes: everything we buy, produce or consume has an environmental cost that has come to be called a "footprint". And if you want to be a good global citizen, ...

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