BP oil not degrading on Gulf floor, study says

(AP) -- Tar balls washed onto Gulf of Mexico beaches by Tropical Storm Lee earlier this month show that oil left over from last year's BP spill isn't breaking down as quickly as some scientists thought it would, university ...

Dung beetle dance provides crucial navigation cues

(PhysOrg.com) -- The dung beetle dance, performed as the dung beetle moves away from the dung pile with his precious dung ball, is a mechanism to maintain the desired straight-line departure from the pile, according to a ...

Archeologists uncover secrets of Revolutionary War site

Archeologists using 21st-century technology are mapping out the exact spots British soldiers and Colonial militiamen were standing as they fired at each other during a pivotal skirmish on the first day of the American Revolution.

Fullerene spheres can be used to slide in the nanoworld

"Nano–machines" (around one billionth of a metre in size) of the future will need tiny devices to reduce friction and make movement possible. The C60 molecule, also known as fullerene or buckyball, seemed to many an excellent ...

Scientists make animated collisions sounds realistic

(Phys.org) -- Bang. Clatter. Tinkle. Jingle. When solid objects collide in the real world we hear a sharp impact sound, sometimes followed by a ringing aftershock. Creating sounds like that to accompany computer animation ...

Biomechanics of skilled cricket batsmen

Though the discovery might have come too late to help Australia win this week's Second Test match, a team of scientists from Down Under has revealed what techniques give skilled batsmen an edge over their less able teammates ...

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