Supraballs offer a new way to color materials

An international team of researchers has created a new way to color manufactured materials. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes how they created the new coloring technique and why ...

Researchers use lobster shells to create biodegradable golf ball

Golfers on the high seas can breathe a little easier -- and so can the marine life around them -- thanks to researchers at the University of Maine. In conjunction with The Lobster Institute, UMaine Biological and Chemical ...

2014 World Cup ball has better aerodynamics: NASA

The official 2014 World Cup game ball should make players happy, NASA said after its own aerodynamics testing showed the new design avoided the pitfalls of the unpopular 2010 version.

Discovery of the Musket Ball Cluster

( -- Using a combination of powerful observatories in space and on the ground, astronomers have observed a violent collision between two galaxy clusters in which so-called normal matter has been wrenched apart from ...

Omnidirectional mobile robot has just two moving parts

More than a decade ago, Ralph Hollis invented the ballbot, an elegantly simple robot whose tall, thin body glides atop a sphere slightly smaller than a bowling ball. The latest version, called SIMbot, has an equally elegant ...

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