Delivering bad news? Don't beat around the bush

You know you want to end your relationship, but you're nervous and don't want to be hurtful. So you spend the first 10 minutes of your dinner date making friendly and fidgety small talk before diving into the matter at hand.

After Harvey, misery piles on for Texas plant evacuees

First their neighborhood was deluged by Harvey's torrential rains. Then, officers turned up at the door with more bad news: there is a risk of a chemical blast at a nearby plant and it's time to evacuate.

From strands to droplets—new insights into DNA control

A host of proteins and other molecules sit on the strands of our DNA, controlling which genes are read out and used by cells and which remain silent. This aggregation of genetic material and controlling molecules, called ...

Where will sea-level rise hurt the most?

First, the bad news: a study out yesterday says that the lives of up to 13 million people in the United States may be disrupted by sea-level rise in the next century—more than three times most previous estimates. Unlike ...

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