Destructive citrus greening disease affecting Florida

Urgency, cooperation, and persistent management are needed among producers, processors, government officials, and scientists while solutions are developed and implemented to combat the citrus greening disease threatening ...

Novel chemistry for new class of antibiotic

University of Adelaide research has produced a potential new antibiotic which could help in the battle against bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

Plant pathologists put the squeeze on citrus disease

( -- With Florida's $9 billion citrus industry threatened by a deadly bacterial disease, Rick Kress '73 asked scientists at Cornell's New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva for help. Three years ...

New class of antibiotics against resistant bacteria

Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a growing threat to human health. In an article published in the journal PNAS, UmeƄ researcher Fredrik Almqvist and his colleagues present a new type of antibiotic that effectively ...

How probiotics can prevent disease

Using probiotics successfully against a number of animal diseases has helped scientists from University College Cork, Ireland to understand some of the ways in which they work, which could lead to them using probiotics to ...

Researchers identify leprosy in wild chimpanzees

An international team that includes researchers John Spencer, Ph.D., and Charlotte Avanzi, Ph.D., of the Colorado State University Mycobacteria Research Laboratories has identified leprosy in wild chimpanzees in the West ...

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