FTC puts background check sites on notice

Federal regulators on Tuesday warned several companies that the quick, easy background checks they are providing online might violate the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Gun control: Focus on manufacturers, not just buyers, study shows

As the gun control debate continues, Kevin D. Bradford, an associate professional specialist in marketing at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business, says the focus should be on those who distribute guns, ...

US gun debate: Video game industry defends itself

(AP)—The video game industry, blamed by some for fostering a culture of violence, defended its practices at a White House meeting exploring how to prevent horrific shootings like the recent Connecticut elementary school ...

FTC seeks law to shed more light on data brokers

(AP) -- The Federal Trade Commission is calling for a new law that would allow people to review the vast amounts of information being collected about them as the Internet, smartphones and other technology make it easier ...

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